
These are the Top 20 Players. Keep trying, you can get here too!

1 - 4U2C (The Activator - 173800 points)
2 - Vwilson (The Activator - 64550 points)
3 - JWYYC (The Activator - 48800 points)
4 - BrianLimCCC (The Activator - 36250 points)
5 - jeanbast (The Activator - 21050 points)
6 - Nadine Melanson-LeBlanc (The Activator - 14600 points)
7 - AOlsen (The Activator - 14050 points)
8 - ESidani (The Activator - 12300 points)
9 - Boosten (The Activator - 12050 points)
10 - cruzer (The Activator - 11650 points)
11 - AudreyK (The Activator - 11550 points)
12 - Jeremy_from_EnBee (The Activator - 10000 points)
13 - tjohnston1999 (The Activator - 7950 points)
14 - MJ Judo (The Activator - 7250 points)
15 - nina (The Activator - 7000 points)
16 - Jimmy Perry (The Activator - 6450 points)
17 - Derek (The Activator - 6400 points)
18 - Kristina (The Activator - 6000 points)
19 - ClhmAg (The Activator - 5600 points)
20 - Nivo (The Activator - 5300 points)

Achievement Levels and Badges
Level Badge
1. Top Level
The Activator
2. Second Highest Level
The Closer
3. Third Highest Level
The Negotiator
4. Fourth Highest Level
The Prospector
5. Bottom Level
The Stock Package

Scoring and Points
1. Less than 250 - Stock Package
2. 251 –1,000 Prospector
3. 1,001 to 2,000 – Negotiator
4. 2,001 to 4,000 - Closer
5. 4,001 + - The Activator